Thursday, November 10, 2011

Senate rejects GOP bid to overturn Internet rules
Synopsis:  The Republican party has introduced a bill to give the FCC more power in regulation of the Internet.  This bill would remove net neutrality rules under the guise of improving innovation. However, the bill was shot down in the Senate.
Stakeholders: everyone in the United States
Social and Ethical Issues:
  • Control: Should the government be able to say what is on the Internet?
  • Equality of Access: possibility of government saying that some groups cannot have Internet access
  • Privacy and Anonymity: If they can say who and what can be online, they could also see who is online and what they are doing
Areas of Impact: Politics and Government, Arts Entertainment and Leisure, Education
Advantages: theoretically, makes innovation easier and e-commerce cheaper
Disadvantages: Government can control the Internet, no privacy, censorship, small group of people getting to determine what we know
My opinion: What are we, the Soviet Union?  The government has no right to control what we see and hear.  They especially have no right to interfere with the Internet and turn it to their own uses by changing what we perceive and how we talk to each other.  This bill would be another step on the slippery slope leading to dictatorship, fascism, and all the things associated with the government having direct control over every facet of our lives.  It is, frankly, an infringement on our Constitutional rights, especially freedom of expression.
Solutions: The government needs to stop trying to gain control over the Internet.  The entire point is that no one controls it, and it cannot really be controlled.  Instead, they should focus on real problems.

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